Since autumn 2019, work is underway on “The guide on counteracting sexual harassment at the University of Warsaw” and on “The anti-discrimination procedure”. Last week there was another meeting of the working group working on documents edited by dr hab. Julia Kubisa, Chief Equal Opportunity Specialist at the University of Warsaw and Dr. Anna Cybulko, University Spokeswoman. This guide is composed of representatives and representatives of the UW teaching staff, representatives and representatives of the Rector’s Commission for the Prevention of Discrimination and Anti-mobbing Commission, the Student Rights Ombudsman, as well as a team of consultants on sexual violence at the University of Warsaw Student Government Board.
The guide aims to familiarize the University of Warsaw with the definition of sexual harassment and various examples of this undesirable and unlawful phenomenon, to convey that these are discriminatory activities and to emphasize that all their forms are not allowed at the University of Warsaw.
An important task of the Informer is to make people who have experienced sexual harassment aware that they will not be left in a difficult situation by themselves and to emphasize that consequences will be brought against perpetrators.
The anti-discrimination procedure that the team is working on is a model for complaints in the event of discrimination, including sexual harassment, which will be implemented at the University of Warsaw. It will be a more formalized solution, thanks to which the ‘soft’ (actions of the Academic Ombudsman) and the ‘hard’ path – formal complaint procedure – will operate at the University of Warsaw.