Equal opportunity chief specialist at the University of Warsaw

Anna Grędzińska
Equal Opportunity Chief Specialist at the UW
dr hab. Julia Kubisa prof. UW
Chief Equality Officer on Research and Education
Phone: 22 55 27 185
e-mail: rownouprawnienie@uw.edu.pl
More information: http://www.rownowazni.uw.edu.pl/
The office of the equal opportunity chief specialist at the University of Warsaw is currently held by Anna Grędzińska. She is engaged in anti-discrimination policy, equal treat¬ment and diversity at the University of Warsaw. The main task is to take steps to ful¬ly respect and implement the principle of equal treatment and to prevent discrimination on grounds of any feature. Her tasks include promotion and dissemination of equal treatment issues, anti-discrimination standards and implementation of equality solutions end equality actions specified in the HR Excellence in Research Strategy.
Chief Specialist cooperates with the Rector’s Committee for Preventing Discrimination. Anyone who has experienced discrimination or unequal treatment may report the incident di¬rectly to the members of the Committee or to the Equal Opportunity Chief Specialist who will then forward the case to the Committee.
Plenipotentiaries at faculties
Tasks of Plenipotentiaries for equality:
- cooperation with the authorities of the faculty and the academic spokesman for student and employee affairs (Ombudsman) and the Chief Specialist for equality at the University of Warsaw in the field of anti-discrimination, etc. and shaping an atmosphere of equality and respect for diversity, caring for an equal atmosphere in the daily life of the faculty;
- every year they provide students and employees with information at the beginning of the academic year about the support system at the faculty and at the university, as well as information about equality courses and training;
- collection information on good equality practices in the faculty, information on research and statistics and forward them to the Chief Specialist for Equality at the University of Warsaw and the Student and Employee Academic Ombudsman (Ombudsman);
- dissemination of good practices at the faculty;
- dissemination of university equality and similar activities (e.g. anti-mobbing) at the individual level;
- they are a consultation and contact point in matters of discrimination in an organizational unit;
- cooperation with the Chief Equality Specialist and with the Academic Ombudsman for Student and Employee Affairs (Ombudsman);
- participation in training and university networks with their counterparts in other units. The activities of the network are coordinated by the Academic Ombudsman for student and employee affairs (Ombudsman) and the Chief Specialist for Gender Equality at the University of Warsaw.
Kolegium MISH UW
dr hab. Jakub Urbanik
Faculty of “Artes Liberales”
dr Katarzyna Granicka
Faculty of Biology
dr Marcin Chrzanowski
tel. +48 22 554 25 18
dr Aleksandra Skawina
+48 22 55 41 021
Faculty of Philosophy
dr Joanna Komorowska-Mach
Faculty of Physics
dr hab. Rafal Demkowicz-Dobrzanski, prof. UW
tel. 692484944
Faculty of History
dr Monika Polit
tel. 608 358 963
(prośba o wcześniejszy kontakt mailowy lub telefoniczny)
Faculty of Economic Sciences
dr Anna Janicka
Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
dr hab. Ewa Marciniak
Dyżur administracyjny:
czwartek, godz. 10-11.30
(prośba o wcześniejszy kontakt mailowy)
Faculty of Modern Languages
dr Anna Grzeszczak
Faculty of Polish Studies
dr Agata Łuksza
dr Łukasz Wróbel
Faculty of Psychology
dr Paulina Górska
Faculty of Sociology
dr hab Julia Kubisa
Faculty of Management
dr Karolina Łudzińska