On June 12-14, the Academic Ombudsman Dr. Anna Cybulko, takes part in the 19th Conference of the European Network for Ombudsmen in Higher Education (ENOHE). This year, the meeting of the European network of university ombudsmen is taking place in Portugal.
Dr. Anna Cybulko, together with Jan Gałkowski (University of Rzeszów) and Agnieszka Zatyka-Szlachcic and Artur Lesner (AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków) represent the Academic Network for Security and Equality (ASBiR) at the annual ENOHE meeting.
This year’s ENOHE conference is taking place in Covilhã, Portugal, under the slogan: “From Plato’s Academy to Portugal: Democracy. diversity, and the role of the ombudsperson in higher education.” Participants and guests together look for answers to questions such as: how can ombudsmen and student associations take care of issues of equality, justice and diversity in European higher education even more effectively, what to do to ensure that university policies respond to the needs and expectations of students and what role do ombudsmen play in balancing power dynamics?
As every year, the event is divided into thematic sessions, during the conference there are numerous presentations (this year also posters) and workshops, as well as plenty of time for inspiring discussions and exchange of experiences.
ENOHE supports ombudsmen in the field of higher education in Europe and works to develop this function through partnerships and communication between ombudsmen.
You can read more about the ENOHE and the conference on the website 👉 https://www.enohe.net/