ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) related co-operation
Ombudsman involves in many activities aimed at sharing experience and gaining new knowledge in the area of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) on domestic and international level.
- She co-operates on the stable, regular basis with Ombudsmen from across the country and other institutions that support students and/or employees in managing the academic conflcts or problems emerging from potential academic improprieties.
- She is a member of Europan Network of Ombudsman in Higher Education (ENOHE), on behalf of which she collaborates with academic ombudsmen from across the Europe.
- She also participates in international research and development projects aimed at sharing experience, improving the procedures of conflict management/resolution and expanding the position of Ombudsman.
- Ombudsman of the University of Warsaw supports the initiatives for equality and non-discrimination undertook by the Equality Specialist at the University of Warsaw.