The ”We Are All Equal” social campaign is directed to the University of Warsaw community. Its purpose is to emphasize strongly that at the University of Warsaw there is no place for discrimination and people who experience it will find support here. At the University of Warsaw, we try to create a space free of all discrimination in which everyone can feel safe.
The University of Warsaw community is diverse in many ways, but all of us have in common that we are equal. The basic source of information on how to prevent discrimination at the University of Warsaw and create an environment based on equality is the university website
You will find there useful information about support institutions, educational activities and equality initiatives, as well as an Anti Discrimination Guidebook, from which you can find out what direct and indirect discrimination is, and what is the difference between harassment and sexual harassment.
The campaign is part of the activities implementing the European Charter for Researchers and the HR Excellence in Research strategy at the University of Warsaw. The strategy includes the implementation of activities in the area of equal treatment and increasing knowledge and awareness in the field of antidiscrimination.